SRA Championnat HILLMAN

# Driver Points
1 Holozan 218
2 Jim Zplouch 205
3 David MONTIRONI 156
4 Julien BELLEGARDE 138
5 SRW | Sunseeker 132
6 bomflex 126
7 Lenainposteur 123
8 Haze 119
9 Luigivar 116
10 SHEP 112
11 cheucheu2001 105
12 Wile64 95
13 Kant-1 92
14 skipperman 85
15 Asmø 67
# Team Points
1 1889
Pos Driver Road Bike Le Total Points
1 HOL 71 76 71 218
2 ZPL 58 77 70 205
3 MON 44 52 60 156
4 BEL 36 52 50 138
5 SUN 52 26 54 132
6 BOM 50 38 38 126
7 LEN 65 58 DNS 123
8 HAZ 57 62 DNS 119
9 LUI DNS 52 64 116
10 SHE 64 DNS 48 112
11 CHE 34 38 33 105
12 WIL 36 31 28 95
13 KAN DNS 36 56 92
14 SKI 34 24 27 85
15 ASM 22 21 24 67
1st 2nd 3rd 4th - 10th > 10th No Points
# Driver Car Attendance
1 Asmø TCL Hillman Imp / 67 Asmo 3 / 3
2 David MONTIRONI TCL Hillman Imp / 71 Tx3 Monti 3 / 3
3 Haze TCL Hillman Imp / 54 2 / 3
4 Holozan TCL Hillman Imp / 10 3 / 3
5 Jim Zplouch TCL Hillman Imp / 54 3 / 3
6 Julien BELLEGARDE TCL Hillman Imp / 36 Julien Bellegarde 3 / 3
7 Kant-1 TCL Hillman Imp / 33 2 / 3
8 Lenainposteur TCL Hillman Imp / 63 2 / 3
9 Luigivar TCL Hillman Imp / 36 2 / 3
10 SHEP TCL Hillman Imp / 22 2 / 3
11 SRW | Sunseeker TCL Hillman Imp / Sunseeker 3 / 3
12 Wile64 TCL Hillman Imp / Wile64 3 / 3
13 Zivan TCL Hillman Imp / 36 Julien Bellegarde 0 / 3
14 bomflex TCL Hillman Imp / Bomflex 76 3 / 3
15 cheucheu2001 TCL Hillman Imp / Alitalia 02 3 / 3
16 dan biwix TCL Hillman Imp / 36 Julien Bellegarde 0 / 3
17 mounies TCL Hillman Imp / 36 0 / 3
18 skipperman TCL Hillman Imp / 22 3 / 3
3 open slots
Place Points
1st 40
2nd 35
3rd 32
4th 30
5th 28
6th 26
7th 24
8th 22
9th 20
10th 16
11th 14
12th 12
13th 11
14th 10
15th 9
16th 8
17th 7
18th 6
19th 5
20th 4
21st 3
Fastest Race Lap 1
Best Qualifying Lap 1
Collision with Other Car -0
Collision with Environment -0
Cut Track -0
Second Race Points Multiplier 1

Car Skin
1st Place


Car Skin
2nd Place

Jim Zplouch

Car Skin
3rd Place


Car Skin
4th Place


Car Skin
5th Place

SRW | Sunseeker

Car Skin
6th Place


Car Skin
7th Place


Car Skin
8th Place


Car Skin
9th Place


Car Skin
10th Place


Car Skin
11th Place


Car Skin
12th Place


Car Skin
13th Place


Car Skin
14th Place


Car Skin
15th Place



This Championship currently has 3 events configured.

Road Atlanta 2022 - Club Course, U.S.A.
Completed on Thursday, November 10, 2022 9:20 PM (UTC)
  • Practice : 7200 minutes
  • Qualifying : 10 minutes
  • 1st Race : 20 minutes
  • 2nd Race: 20 minutes
    10 grid positions will be reversed in 2nd Race.
1st Race
  • 1st: Holozan
  • 2nd: Haze
  • 3rd: los shepardou
2nd Race
  • 1st: Jim Zplouch
  • 2nd: Lenainposteur
  • 3rd: los shepardou
Best Qualifying: Holozan
Fastest Lap (1st Race): Jim Zplouch
Fastest Lap (2nd Race): Jim Zplouch
jr_road_atlanta_2022 short

View detailed results breakdown for this Session

# Name Car Best Practice Lap Average Lap Laps Ping
1 TCL Hillman Imp 01:11.506
Tyre: V60
01:17.453 35 laps / 37 cuts 13 - 19
2 TCL Hillman Imp 01:11.658
Tyre: V60
01:17.926 21 laps / 10 cuts 43 - 59
3 TCL Hillman Imp 01:11.771
Tyre: V60
01:12.399 37 laps / 22 cuts 41 - 63
4 TCL Hillman Imp 01:11.965
Tyre: V60
01:12.927 18 laps / 7 cuts 32 - 206
5 TCL Hillman Imp 01:12.106
Tyre: V60
01:23.999 17 laps / 9 cuts 15 - 22
6 TCL Hillman Imp 01:12.450
Tyre: V60
01:13.789 30 laps / 35 cuts 19 - 38
7 TCL Hillman Imp 01:12.841
Tyre: V60
01:15.349 11 laps / 3 cuts 14 - 22
8 TCL Hillman Imp 01:13.301
Tyre: V60
01:14.920 11 laps / 10 cuts 16 - 17
9 TCL Hillman Imp 01:13.347
Tyre: V60
01:17.244 17 laps / 11 cuts 19 - 32
10 TCL Hillman Imp 01:13.798
Tyre: V60
01:19.621 13 laps / 6 cuts 19 - 21
11 TCL Hillman Imp 01:13.874
Tyre: V60
01:16.150 9 laps / 9 cuts 16 - 36
12 TCL Hillman Imp 01:14.549
Tyre: V60
01:15.282 17 laps / 9 cuts 20 - 41
13 TCL Hillman Imp 01:15.340
Tyre: V60
01:27.430 17 laps / 8 cuts 19 - 21
14 TCL Hillman Imp 01:15.341
Tyre: V60
01:15.540 9 laps / 4 cuts 23 - 48

View detailed results breakdown for this Session

# Name Car Qualifying Time Average Lap Laps Ping
1 TCL Hillman Imp 01:11.680
Tyre: V60
01:29.141 7 laps / 3 cuts 13 - 24
2 TCL Hillman Imp 01:11.868
Tyre: V60
01:12.510 8 laps / 2 cuts 41 - 105
3 TCL Hillman Imp 01:11.929
Tyre: V60
01:12.098 8 laps / 5 cuts 32 - 771
4 TCL Hillman Imp 01:12.176
Tyre: V60
01:12.664 9 laps / 1 cuts 16 - 36
5 TCL Hillman Imp 01:12.337
Tyre: V60
01:13.140 7 laps / 2 cuts 19 - 134
6 TCL Hillman Imp 01:12.456
Tyre: V60
01:12.856 8 laps / 1 cuts 15 - 22
7 TCL Hillman Imp 01:12.998
Tyre: V60
01:13.603 8 laps / 2 cuts 16 - 133
8 TCL Hillman Imp 01:13.021
Tyre: V60
01:14.333 7 laps / 1 cuts 14 - 22
9 TCL Hillman Imp 01:13.073
Tyre: V60
01:15.528 6 laps / 0 cuts 19 - 21
10 TCL Hillman Imp 01:13.811
Tyre: V60
01:20.161 6 laps / 1 cuts 19 - 71
11 TCL Hillman Imp 01:14.651
Tyre: V60
01:14.874 7 laps / 5 cuts 23 - 48
12 TCL Hillman Imp 01:15.413
Tyre: V60
01:15.832 7 laps / 4 cuts 19 - 61
13 TCL Hillman Imp 277:46:39.999
Tyre: ?
00:00.000 2 laps / 1 cuts 43 - 1278

View detailed results breakdown for this Session

# Name Car Total Race Time Num Laps Best Lap Average Clean Lap Collisions Ping
1 TCL Hillman Imp 00:20:27.508 17 laps / 0 cuts 01:11.459
Tyre: V60
01:11.842 0 (+3 after session) 13 - 24
2 TCL Hillman Imp 00:20:32.517 17 laps / 0 cuts 01:11.606
Tyre: V60
01:12.083 0 41 - 105
3 TCL Hillman Imp 00:20:41.432 17 laps / 0 cuts 01:11.893
Tyre: V60
01:12.415 2 (+2 after session) 32 - 771
4 TCL Hillman Imp 00:20:45.421 17 laps / 0 cuts 01:11.832
Tyre: V60
01:12.717 1 (+1 after session) 16 - 36
5 TCL Hillman Imp 00:20:50.665 17 laps / 1 cuts 01:12.144
Tyre: V60
01:12.927 2 (+2 after session) 19 - 134
6 TCL Hillman Imp 00:21:03.593 17 laps / 2 cuts 01:12.683
Tyre: V60
01:13.596 0 14 - 22
7 TCL Hillman Imp 00:21:04.091 17 laps / 0 cuts 01:12.206
Tyre: V60
01:13.683 0 (+4 after session) 16 - 133
8 TCL Hillman Imp 00:21:04.381 17 laps / 0 cuts 01:12.357
Tyre: V60
01:13.758 0 15 - 68
9 TCL Hillman Imp 00:21:19.761 17 laps / 3 cuts 01:13.592
Tyre: V60
01:14.550 0 23 - 48
10 TCL Hillman Imp 00:21:33.540 17 laps / 0 cuts 01:11.307
Tyre: V60
01:11.989 0 43 - 1278
11 TCL Hillman Imp 00:21:34.584 17 laps / 0 cuts 01:13.308
Tyre: V60
01:15.494 0 19 - 71
12 TCL Hillman Imp 00:21:48.524 17 laps / 0 cuts 01:13.220
Tyre: V60
01:15.591 1 19 - 21
13 TCL Hillman Imp 00:21:41.089 16 laps / 0 cuts 01:15.335
Tyre: V60
01:18.416 0 (+3 after session) 19 - 61

View detailed results breakdown for this Session

# Name Car Total Race Time Num Laps Best Lap Average Clean Lap Collisions Ping
1 TCL Hillman Imp 00:20:28.510 17 laps / 0 cuts 01:11.127
Tyre: V60
01:11.840 0 (+1 after session) 43 - 1278
2 TCL Hillman Imp 00:20:40.704 17 laps / 0 cuts 01:11.431
Tyre: V60
01:12.338 0 (+1 after session) 16 - 36
3 TCL Hillman Imp 00:20:44.239 17 laps / 0 cuts 01:11.903
Tyre: V60
01:12.634 0 (+2 after session) 32 - 771
4 TCL Hillman Imp 00:20:44.438 17 laps / 1 cuts 01:11.566
Tyre: V60
01:12.194 2 (+1 after session) 13 - 25
5 TCL Hillman Imp 00:20:59.339 17 laps / 0 cuts 01:12.321
Tyre: V60
01:13.672 0 15 - 180
6 TCL Hillman Imp 00:21:09.879 17 laps / 0 cuts 01:12.362
Tyre: V60
01:13.755 3 14 - 22
7 TCL Hillman Imp 00:21:11.300 17 laps / 0 cuts 01:12.976
Tyre: V60
01:13.798 0 19 - 62
8 TCL Hillman Imp 00:21:25.432 17 laps / 0 cuts 01:12.104
Tyre: V60
01:13.695 3 41 - 139
9 TCL Hillman Imp 00:21:32.683 17 laps / 0 cuts 01:13.520
Tyre: V60
01:15.165 3 19 - 71
10 TCL Hillman Imp 00:21:33.604 17 laps / 0 cuts 01:12.200
Tyre: V60
01:15.212 6 19 - 134
11 TCL Hillman Imp 00:20:29.458 16 laps / 1 cuts 01:13.790
Tyre: V60
01:15.511 7 23 - 48
12 TCL Hillman Imp 00:20:32.343 16 laps / 3 cuts 01:12.547
Tyre: V60
01:15.753 5 (+2 after session) 16 - 161
13 TCL Hillman Imp 00:20:53.342 16 laps / 0 cuts 01:14.752
Tyre: V60
01:17.638 4 19 - 61
# Name Car Points
1 Holozan TCL Hillman Imp 71
2 Lenainposteur TCL Hillman Imp 65
3 los shepardou TCL Hillman Imp 64
4 Jim Zplouch TCL Hillman Imp 58
5 Haze TCL Hillman Imp 57
6 SRW | Sunseeker TCL Hillman Imp 52
7 bomflex TCL Hillman Imp 50
8 David MONTIRONI TCL Hillman Imp 44
9 Wile64 TCL Hillman Imp 36
10 Julien BELLEGARDE TCL Hillman Imp 36
11 skipperman TCL Hillman Imp 34
12 cheucheu2001 TCL Hillman Imp 34
13 Asmo TCL Hillman Imp 22
Bikernieki (Speed)
Completed on Thursday, November 17, 2022 9:20 PM (UTC)
  • Practice : 1200 minutes
  • Qualifying : 10 minutes
  • 1st Race : 20 minutes
  • 2nd Race: 20 minutes
    10 grid positions will be reversed in 2nd Race.
1st Race
  • 1st: Holozan
  • 2nd: Jim Zplouch
  • 3rd: Haze
2nd Race
  • 1st: Jim Zplouch
  • 2nd: Holozan
  • 3rd: Julien BELLEGARDE
Best Qualifying: Jim Zplouch
Fastest Lap (1st Race): Holozan
Fastest Lap (2nd Race): Jim Zplouch
bikernieki speed

View detailed results breakdown for this Session

# Name Car Best Practice Lap Average Lap Laps Ping
1 TCL Hillman Imp 01:36.705
Tyre: V60
01:38.019 24 laps / 4 cuts 15 - 22
2 TCL Hillman Imp 01:36.963
Tyre: V60
01:39.081 20 laps / 11 cuts 40 - 525
3 TCL Hillman Imp 01:37.100
Tyre: V60
01:42.736 26 laps / 3 cuts 23 - 61
4 TCL Hillman Imp 01:37.328
Tyre: V60
01:39.849 26 laps / 15 cuts 13 - 18
5 TCL Hillman Imp 01:37.466
Tyre: V60
01:38.393 10 laps / 2 cuts 15 - 18
6 TCL Hillman Imp 01:37.688
Tyre: V60
01:41.382 31 laps / 13 cuts 15 - 27
7 TCL Hillman Imp 01:37.801
Tyre: V60
01:38.739 23 laps / 31 cuts 40 - 104
8 TCL Hillman Imp 01:38.692
Tyre: V60
01:38.952 7 laps / 6 cuts 16 - 20
9 TCL Hillman Imp 01:38.990
Tyre: V60
01:45.175 41 laps / 42 cuts 19 - 25
10 TCL Hillman Imp 01:39.158
Tyre: V60
01:40.688 4 laps / 0 cuts 20 - 22
11 TCL Hillman Imp 01:40.173
Tyre: V60
01:50.443 9 laps / 7 cuts 15 - 20
12 TCL Hillman Imp 01:40.401
Tyre: V60
01:41.107 8 laps / 4 cuts 19 - 21
13 TCL Hillman Imp 01:41.719
Tyre: V60
01:52.280 5 laps / 3 cuts 24 - 286
14 TCL Hillman Imp 01:43.054
Tyre: V60
01:43.485 5 laps / 3 cuts 20 - 27
15 TCL Hillman Imp 01:46.307
Tyre: V60
01:46.627 5 laps / 2 cuts 19 - 21

View detailed results breakdown for this Session

# Name Car Qualifying Time Average Lap Laps Ping
1 TCL Hillman Imp 01:36.532
Tyre: V60
01:36.794 6 laps / 1 cuts 40 - 525
2 TCL Hillman Imp 01:36.682
Tyre: V60
01:36.829 6 laps / 2 cuts 15 - 22
3 TCL Hillman Imp 01:37.129
Tyre: V60
01:38.021 6 laps / 0 cuts 40 - 534
4 TCL Hillman Imp 01:37.376
Tyre: V60
01:38.666 5 laps / 0 cuts 23 - 61
5 TCL Hillman Imp 01:37.909
Tyre: V60
01:38.043 6 laps / 3 cuts 13 - 18
6 TCL Hillman Imp 01:38.129
Tyre: V60
01:38.684 6 laps / 0 cuts 20 - 35
7 TCL Hillman Imp 01:38.369
Tyre: V60
01:39.381 6 laps / 1 cuts 15 - 109
8 TCL Hillman Imp 01:38.413
Tyre: V60
01:38.579 6 laps / 5 cuts 16 - 20
9 TCL Hillman Imp 01:39.199
Tyre: V60
01:39.417 5 laps / 1 cuts 19 - 40
10 TCL Hillman Imp 01:39.325
Tyre: V60
01:39.955 5 laps / 4 cuts 24 - 286
11 TCL Hillman Imp 01:39.719
Tyre: V60
01:39.922 6 laps / 4 cuts 15 - 221
12 TCL Hillman Imp 01:39.982
Tyre: V60
01:41.246 5 laps / 1 cuts 19 - 21
13 TCL Hillman Imp 01:40.885
Tyre: V60
01:42.229 4 laps / 1 cuts 15 - 66
14 TCL Hillman Imp 01:42.493
Tyre: V60
01:45.830 6 laps / 0 cuts 19 - 40
15 TCL Hillman Imp 277:46:39.999
Tyre: ?
00:00.000 3 laps / 4 cuts 20 - 27

View detailed results breakdown for this Session

# Name Car Total Race Time Num Laps Best Lap Average Clean Lap Collisions Ping
1 TCL Hillman Imp 00:21:11.382 13 laps / 0 cuts 01:36.688
Tyre: V60
01:36.984 2 15 - 22
2 TCL Hillman Imp 00:21:19.155 13 laps / 0 cuts 01:36.739
Tyre: V60
01:37.521 4 (+1 after session) 40 - 525
3 TCL Hillman Imp 00:21:26.301 13 laps / 0 cuts 01:37.177
Tyre: V60
01:38.271 0 40 - 534
4 TCL Hillman Imp 00:21:32.671 13 laps / 0 cuts 01:37.269
Tyre: V60
01:38.560 0 (+2 after session) 16 - 20
5 TCL Hillman Imp 00:21:33.294 13 laps / 0 cuts 01:37.511
Tyre: V60
01:38.663 2 20 - 57
6 TCL Hillman Imp 00:21:34.465 13 laps / 0 cuts 01:37.514
Tyre: V60
01:38.714 3 23 - 61
7 TCL Hillman Imp 00:21:41.033 13 laps / 0 cuts 01:37.607
Tyre: V60
01:38.646 5 13 - 18
8 TCL Hillman Imp 00:21:48.209 13 laps / 0 cuts 01:38.432
Tyre: V60
01:39.570 0 (+11 after session) 15 - 66
9 TCL Hillman Imp 00:21:51.473 13 laps / 0 cuts 01:37.731
Tyre: V60
01:39.553 2 15 - 109
10 TCL Hillman Imp 00:22:04.316 13 laps / 0 cuts 01:39.137
Tyre: V60
01:41.081 3 23 - 286
11 TCL Hillman Imp 00:22:17.103 13 laps / 0 cuts 01:39.480
Tyre: V60
01:41.935 1 19 - 40
12 TCL Hillman Imp 00:22:21.950 13 laps / 0 cuts 01:39.179
Tyre: V60
01:42.274 7 (+13 after session) 15 - 221
13 TCL Hillman Imp 00:22:45.330 13 laps / 0 cuts 01:39.541
Tyre: V60
01:42.986 6 19 - 21
14 TCL Hillman Imp 00:22:48.457 13 laps / 0 cuts 01:41.013
Tyre: V60
01:44.512 0 19 - 40

View detailed results breakdown for this Session

# Name Car Total Race Time Num Laps Best Lap Average Clean Lap Collisions Ping
1 TCL Hillman Imp 00:21:13.074 13 laps / 0 cuts 01:36.581
Tyre: V60
01:37.077 1 (+1 after session) 40 - 525
2 TCL Hillman Imp 00:21:19.527 13 laps / 0 cuts 01:36.876
Tyre: V60
01:37.481 1 15 - 22
3 TCL Hillman Imp 00:21:22.437 13 laps / 0 cuts 01:37.518
Tyre: V60
01:38.117 0 (+1 after session) 15 - 189
4 TCL Hillman Imp 00:21:43.017 13 laps / 0 cuts 01:37.507
Tyre: V60
01:39.447 4 40 - 534
5 TCL Hillman Imp 00:21:45.264 13 laps / 0 cuts 01:37.504
Tyre: V60
01:39.673 3 (+6 after session) 16 - 20
6 TCL Hillman Imp 00:21:52.476 13 laps / 0 cuts 01:37.735
Tyre: V60
01:40.298 4 23 - 104
7 TCL Hillman Imp 00:21:53.220 13 laps / 0 cuts 01:38.089
Tyre: V60
01:40.566 4 20 - 104
8 TCL Hillman Imp 00:21:57.883 13 laps / 0 cuts 01:39.376
Tyre: V60
01:40.772 3 (+2 after session) 23 - 286
9 TCL Hillman Imp 00:22:06.683 13 laps / 0 cuts 01:39.341
Tyre: V60
01:40.558 2 19 - 107
10 TCL Hillman Imp 00:22:06.993 13 laps / 0 cuts 01:38.238
Tyre: V60
01:39.549 4 (+1 after session) 14 - 126
11 TCL Hillman Imp 00:22:07.125 13 laps / 0 cuts 01:39.105
Tyre: V60
01:41.205 2 (+1 after session) 15 - 233
12 TCL Hillman Imp 00:22:20.530 13 laps / 0 cuts 01:37.459
Tyre: V60
01:42.604 14 13 - 32
13 TCL Hillman Imp 00:23:02.022 13 laps / 0 cuts 01:40.682
Tyre: V60
01:42.486 3 19 - 69
14 TCL Hillman Imp 00:21:33.657 11 laps / 0 cuts 01:39.530
Tyre: V60
01:44.543 7 (+2 after session) 19 - 40
# Name Car Points
1 Jim Zplouch TCL Hillman Imp 77
2 Holozan TCL Hillman Imp 76
3 Haze TCL Hillman Imp 62
4 Lenainposteur TCL Hillman Imp 58
5 Julien BELLEGARDE TCL Hillman Imp 52
6 Luigivar TCL Hillman Imp 52
7 David MONTIRONI TCL Hillman Imp 52
8 bomflex TCL Hillman Imp 38
9 cheucheu2001 TCL Hillman Imp 38
10 Kant-1 TCL Hillman Imp 36
11 Wile64 TCL Hillman Imp 31
12 SRW | Sunseeker TCL Hillman Imp 26
13 skipperman TCL Hillman Imp 24
14 Asmo TCL Hillman Imp 21
Le Circuit Mont-Tremblant 1969 - Nord, Canada
Completed on Thursday, November 24, 2022 9:27 PM (UTC)
  • Practice : 7200 minutes
  • Qualifying : 10 minutes
  • 1st Race : 20 minutes
  • 2nd Race: 20 minutes
    10 grid positions will be reversed in 2nd Race.
1st Race
  • 1st: Holozan
  • 2nd: Jim Zplouch
  • 3rd: Luigivar
2nd Race
  • 1st: David MONTIRONI
  • 2nd: Jim Zplouch
  • 3rd: Luigivar
Best Qualifying: Holozan
Fastest Lap (1st Race): Holozan
Fastest Lap (2nd Race): Holozan
mt-tremblant_69 north

View detailed results breakdown for this Session

# Name Car Best Practice Lap Average Lap Laps Ping
1 TCL Hillman Imp 01:19.635
Tyre: V60
01:21.178 61 laps / 10 cuts 15 - 27
2 TCL Hillman Imp 01:19.934
Tyre: V60
01:20.823 22 laps / 12 cuts 42 - 255
3 TCL Hillman Imp 01:20.277
Tyre: V60
01:21.597 20 laps / 4 cuts 20 - 22
4 TCL Hillman Imp 01:20.457
Tyre: V60
01:21.735 16 laps / 2 cuts 20 - 36
5 TCL Hillman Imp 01:20.569
Tyre: V60
01:21.478 20 laps / 12 cuts 13 - 16
6 TCL Hillman Imp 01:20.794
Tyre: V60
01:26.773 44 laps / 23 cuts 34 - 116
7 TCL Hillman Imp 01:20.814
Tyre: V60
01:23.926 40 laps / 6 cuts 15 - 17
8 TCL Hillman Imp 01:20.824
Tyre: V60
01:22.322 33 laps / 27 cuts 14 - 22
9 TCL Hillman Imp 01:20.919
Tyre: V60
01:22.436 33 laps / 13 cuts 15 - 22
10 TCL Hillman Imp 01:22.173
Tyre: V60
01:24.465 33 laps / 32 cuts 18 - 23
11 TCL Hillman Imp 01:22.418
Tyre: V60
01:31.022 11 laps / 5 cuts 19 - 21
12 TCL Hillman Imp 01:22.668
Tyre: V60
01:23.559 22 laps / 28 cuts 23 - 50
13 TCL Hillman Imp 01:24.626
Tyre: V60
01:26.532 6 laps / 3 cuts 20 - 2992

View detailed results breakdown for this Session

# Name Car Qualifying Time Average Lap Laps Ping
1 TCL Hillman Imp 01:19.697
Tyre: V60
01:20.093 8 laps / 0 cuts 15 - 27
2 TCL Hillman Imp 01:20.049
Tyre: V60
01:20.864 8 laps / 4 cuts 42 - 255
3 TCL Hillman Imp 01:20.156
Tyre: V60
01:20.541 7 laps / 1 cuts 20 - 60
4 TCL Hillman Imp 01:20.477
Tyre: V60
01:20.697 7 laps / 4 cuts 13 - 34
5 TCL Hillman Imp 01:20.549
Tyre: V60
01:21.273 7 laps / 0 cuts 20 - 190
6 TCL Hillman Imp 01:20.739
Tyre: V60
01:21.545 5 laps / 1 cuts 15 - 186
7 TCL Hillman Imp 01:20.841
Tyre: V60
01:21.367 6 laps / 0 cuts 15 - 812
8 TCL Hillman Imp 01:21.113
Tyre: V60
01:21.272 7 laps / 7 cuts 34 - 116
9 TCL Hillman Imp 01:21.125
Tyre: V60
01:21.315 7 laps / 2 cuts 14 - 410
10 TCL Hillman Imp 01:21.994
Tyre: V60
01:22.439 7 laps / 2 cuts 19 - 21
11 TCL Hillman Imp 01:22.575
Tyre: V60
01:23.779 7 laps / 1 cuts 20 - 2992
12 TCL Hillman Imp 01:22.665
Tyre: V60
01:23.509 7 laps / 7 cuts 18 - 70
13 TCL Hillman Imp 01:22.696
Tyre: V60
01:23.316 8 laps / 8 cuts 23 - 50

View detailed results breakdown for this Session

# Name Car Total Race Time Num Laps Best Lap Average Clean Lap Collisions Ping
1 TCL Hillman Imp 00:20:15.533 15 laps / 0 cuts 01:19.918
Tyre: V60
01:20.605 1 15 - 27
2 TCL Hillman Imp 00:20:17.179 15 laps / 0 cuts 01:19.993
Tyre: V60
01:20.753 1 42 - 255
3 TCL Hillman Imp 00:20:18.628 15 laps / 0 cuts 01:20.151
Tyre: V60
01:20.651 0 20 - 190
4 TCL Hillman Imp 00:20:25.388 15 laps / 0 cuts 01:20.446
Tyre: V60
01:21.068 4 13 - 34
5 TCL Hillman Imp 00:20:31.850 15 laps / 0 cuts 01:20.767
Tyre: V60
01:21.475 2 34 - 116
6 TCL Hillman Imp 00:20:34.419 15 laps / 0 cuts 01:20.569
Tyre: V60
01:21.553 1 (+3 after session) 15 - 812
7 TCL Hillman Imp 00:20:34.529 15 laps / 0 cuts 01:20.929
Tyre: V60
01:21.591 3 (+2 after session) 15 - 186
8 TCL Hillman Imp 00:20:41.392 15 laps / 0 cuts 01:21.083
Tyre: V60
01:21.896 2 14 - 410
9 TCL Hillman Imp 00:20:58.234 15 laps / 0 cuts 01:20.168
Tyre: V60
01:20.757 3 20 - 60
10 TCL Hillman Imp 00:21:10.463 15 laps / 0 cuts 01:21.685
Tyre: V60
01:23.855 0 18 - 70
11 TCL Hillman Imp 00:21:12.287 15 laps / 0 cuts 01:21.327
Tyre: V60
01:23.359 2 19 - 21
12 TCL Hillman Imp 00:20:32.859 14 laps / 0 cuts 01:21.781
Tyre: V60
01:25.156 1 20 - 2992
13 TCL Hillman Imp 00:18:11.555 13 laps / 0 cuts 01:21.770
Tyre: V60
01:22.996 2 23 - 50

View detailed results breakdown for this Session

# Name Car Total Race Time Num Laps Best Lap Average Clean Lap Collisions Ping
1 TCL Hillman Imp 00:20:11.792 15 laps / 0 cuts 01:19.910
Tyre: V60
01:20.344 1 (+1 after session) 20 - 60
2 TCL Hillman Imp 00:20:21.448 15 laps / 0 cuts 01:19.858
Tyre: V60
01:20.672 7 42 - 255
3 TCL Hillman Imp 00:20:22.292 15 laps / 0 cuts 01:20.023
Tyre: V60
01:20.822 1 20 - 190
4 TCL Hillman Imp 00:20:31.827 15 laps / 0 cuts 01:20.318
Tyre: V60
01:21.473 3 (+3 after session) 15 - 186
5 TCL Hillman Imp 00:20:33.039 15 laps / 0 cuts 01:19.762
Tyre: V60
01:21.533 9 (+1 after session) 15 - 27
6 TCL Hillman Imp 00:20:42.553 15 laps / 0 cuts 01:20.200
Tyre: V60
01:22.211 4 13 - 36
7 TCL Hillman Imp 00:20:47.755 15 laps / 0 cuts 01:20.731
Tyre: V60
01:22.024 2 15 - 812
8 TCL Hillman Imp 00:20:53.249 15 laps / 0 cuts 01:22.050
Tyre: V60
01:22.877 0 23 - 60
9 TCL Hillman Imp 00:20:56.354 15 laps / 0 cuts 01:20.949
Tyre: V60
01:22.846 5 (+2 after session) 34 - 116
10 TCL Hillman Imp 00:21:06.676 15 laps / 0 cuts 01:21.556
Tyre: V60
01:23.446 3 14 - 410
11 TCL Hillman Imp 00:21:07.539 15 laps / 0 cuts 01:21.478
Tyre: V60
01:23.777 3 19 - 54
12 TCL Hillman Imp 00:21:24.903 15 laps / 0 cuts 01:22.127
Tyre: V60
01:25.036 6 20 - 2992
13 TCL Hillman Imp 00:21:41.226 14 laps / 0 cuts 01:24.342
Tyre: V60
01:31.550 5 18 - 70
# Name Car Points
1 Holozan TCL Hillman Imp 71
2 Jim Zplouch TCL Hillman Imp 70
3 Luigivar TCL Hillman Imp 64
4 David MONTIRONI TCL Hillman Imp 60
5 Kant-1 TCL Hillman Imp 56
6 SRW | Sunseeker TCL Hillman Imp 54
7 Julien BELLEGARDE TCL Hillman Imp 50
8 SHEP TCL Hillman Imp 48
9 bomflex TCL Hillman Imp 38
10 cheucheu2001 TCL Hillman Imp 33
11 Wile64 TCL Hillman Imp 28
12 skipperman TCL Hillman Imp 27
13 Asmø TCL Hillman Imp 24